Форум РМС

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Abstracts. The use of spermatides in IVF/ICSI programme (review)

Sex chromosome abnormalities in male reproductive disorders (review)
S.G. Vorsanova, V.O. Sharonin, L.F. Kurilo

The paper reviews recent studies on reproductive dysfunction in males. Special attention is given to gonosomal abnormalities in patients with developmental sexual diseases. Also, the problem of mapping Y-chromosome genes responsible for masculine sex differentiation is discussed.

Assisted reproductive technologies in infertile patients with concomitant abnormalities of reproductive organs
R.A. Nersesyan

This review is focused on the strategy of managing patients with gynecological disorders treated for infertility by ART. Effects of gynecological pathology on the ART outcome, the importance of its correction before considering the use of ART, and the value of different diagnostic methods are discussed. It is concluded that the impact of gynecological problems in infertile women on the outcome of IVF and other ART remains a matter of controversy and requires further studies.

Assisted reproductive technologies (PESA and TESA) in male infertility treatment
L.V. Khilkevich, V.M. Zdanovsky, A.S. Togobetsky, P.A. Gogolevsky

Short review of modern approaches to severe male infertility treatment is considered. Outcome of ICSI after using different source of spermatozoa is represented. It’s concluded that percutaneous aspiration of epidimal or testicular spermatozoa is perspective method of male gametes retrieval in patients with obstructive azoospermia.

Cytogenetic analysis of oocytes retrieved from elderly woman during IVF procedure
K.Yu. Boyarsky, S.E. Vasilevskaya

The authors report results of comparative evaluation of frequency and pathological changes in oocytes collected from women of different age groups. Original observations and review of the literature give evidence that women of advanced age produce more degenerative oocytes with decreased fertilization potency compared with younger women. Possible mechanisms of adverse agerelated effects on egg quality are discussed.

Effects of monophase and triphase oral contraceptives on ovarian function and endometrium thickness
N. Rabe, D.C. Nitsche, B. Runnebaum

Egon Diczfalusy. Contraceptive revolution. The era of scientific and social development (book review)
E.M. Vikhlyaeva